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Juliana Rotich Joins Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation AI Ethics & Safety Committee

Juliana Rotich, the Head of Fintech Solution (M-Pesa) at Safaricom, has been appointed as a member of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation AI Ethics & Safety Committee.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is one of the world’s largest private charitable foundations, and it is dedicated to improving global health and development. The foundation is also a major supporter of artificial intelligence (AI) research and development.

Rotich’s appointment to the Gates Foundation board is a significant development, as it highlights the growing importance of AI in the foundation’s work. Rotich is a leading expert in AI and fintech, and she deeply understands the potential of AI to improve lives in developing countries.

In her new role, Rotich will help the Gates Foundation define AI’s role in its work and ensure that the foundation’s AI investments are ethical and responsible. She will also work to promote the use of AI to improve global health and development.

Rotich’s appointment is a testament to her leadership in AI and her commitment to using technology to impact the world positively.

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