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We all need repair and maintenance services from time to time. Whether at home, at work or anywhere in between, FUNDIS web and mobile App enables users to find and hire competent, vetted and certified artisans in Kenya.

We have launched a three (3) years consortium initiative together with the Kenya Association of Certified Training Providers For Industry (KACET) that we have dubbed ‘IngiaBiz’ which translated literally means ‘going into business’. We are currently upskilling and certifying 1500 artisans in ten (10) counties and thereafter transitioning them from operating in the informal sector to becoming durable service businesses (Gig entrepreneurs). We then aim for each of the businesses to employ at least one young artisan within three (3) years while being matched with jobs on the FUNDIS platform. We aim to move the needle on youth unemployment in Kenya for at least 3000 households.

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