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Organizational Structure

The office-bearers of the Association shall be:

All office bearers shall be full members of the Association and must be a natural person. Any office-bearer who ceases to be a full member of the Association shall automatically cease to be an office-bearer, and all office bearers shall be subject to the rules in respect of membership outlined in our constitution. Office bearers shall be elected at a general meeting of the Association.


Duties of the office-bearers

The board

The Board shall consist of the office-bearers of the Association, and three (3) representative Board members elected at the annual general meeting.

Duties of the board

  • The Board shall be responsible for the management of the Association and for that purpose may give directions to the office bearers as to the manner in which, within the law, and in conformity with the constitution and/or rules of the Association, they shall perform their duties.
  • The Board shall have power to appoint such committees as it may deem desirable to make reports to the Board, upon which action shall be taken as seems to the Board desirable.
  • The Board shall also have the power to nominate individuals to represent the interests of the Association on any Task Force or other external Board or body that may be incorporated or set up from time to time.
  • The Board may at its absolute discretion admit as Patron, the person(s) whose accomplishments will make a major contribution to the fintech sector, increase the common good, and reflect credit on the Association. The Patron(s) shall not be required to pay entrance fees or annual subscriptions and shall have all the rights and privileges of membership except the right to vote. Past and present Patron(s) shall remain Honorary Members.
  • The Board shall also be able to appoint and/or employ individuals and/or enter into contracts for the provision of services for and on behalf of the Association on such terms and conditions, without limitation of terms as to the payment and/or remuneration, as the Board shall in its sole discretion determine, provided that any such appointments and/or contracts may be terminated by the Association by way of resolution of the Board.
  • Except as otherwise specified herein, the Board shall authorize money disbursed on behalf of the Association.
  • The Board may from time to time, subject to the approval of the Association’s general meeting, make, vary, or revoke by-laws and/or a code of conduct for the regulation of the internal affairs of the Association, conduct of the members, conduct of its elections and conduct of its aims, objects and activities. All by-laws and/or codes of conduct shall be submitted to the general meeting for approval and shall be binding on the members of the Association.
  • No member of the Board shall be held personally liable for any acts done or carried out in good faith on behalf of the Association.


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