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The EU AI Act: A Landmark Move for AI Regulation But a Potential Blow to Privacy for the African Continent.

The EU’s groundbreaking AI Act sets the stage for regulating artificial intelligence, but its approach to law enforcement’s use of biometric technologies raises critical questions about privacy. African nations, embracing AI, can draw vital lessons in crafting effective regulations that balance technological progress with safeguarding individual rights. From human rights principles to transparent AI systems, discover key considerations for Africa’s journey in AI governance.

How the Finance Bill 2023 Will Change How You Do Business in Kenya.

The Kenyan tax landscape is set for a major shift with the introduction of mandatory e-invoicing through the Finance Act 2023. This article delves into the implications of the new e-tims system for companies, individuals, and the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA). It also highlights crucial aspects left unaddressed by the Act, potentially leading to confusion and compliance challenges.

Legal and Policy highlights – Budget 2023/24

Budget 2023/24 highlights major legal and institutional reforms aimed at fostering growth for MSMEs and marginalized groups. This includes financial sector stability, enhanced payment systems, pension coverage expansion, and insurance sector growth

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