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Should Africa Nations Sacrifice Fossil Fuels for Climate Change?

Unravel the complexities of economic development and environmental stewardship in the context of hydrocarbon exploration. This article delves into the practical and economic concerns faced by African nations, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach to combat climate change without compromising economic stability. Is the expectation for climate action disproportionately affecting economically disadvantaged countries? Find out more about the growing discourse and the call for compensations in this exploration.

Black Tax Relief in Income Tax: A Necessary Step to Address Financial Hardship

The weight of black tax in Kenya affects individuals across economic backgrounds. From struggling families in rural areas to professionals who’ve served in international organizations, many face the challenge of supporting extended families. This article makes a compelling case for the Kenyan government to introduce income tax relief as a solution, discussing its potential to spur economic activity, reduce poverty, and enhance social cohesion.

Dhow CSD to Make Government Securities Accessible to All Kenyans

The launch of Dhow CSD marks a significant step towards democratizing government securities trading in Kenya. With a digitized registration process and accessibility for all, Kenyans can now easily lend money to the government, enjoying high-interest rates without intermediaries. Explore the potential impact on banks’ liquidity and the broader financial sector.

Rising Interest Rates Reignite Calls for Interest Rate Controls

Baringo North MP Joseph Makilap’s Bill seeks to reintroduce interest rate controls amid soaring rates. The proposal advocates for multiple rate corridors based on risk profiles to avoid the pitfalls of past attempts. Find out how this regulatory tool aims to foster economic stability.

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